Summer Bucket List
Fun Activities to do with Friends:

Summer bucket lists are a great way to have fun and motivate yourself to find the time to do the things you really want to do with your friends. Often, I find that if I write something down on a piece of paper I’m more likely to achieve that goal than if it remained an idea floating around in my head.
Personally, I love creating mini ‘bucket lists’ for each season; tea in the fall, baking cookies in the winter, and so on. I’ve even started doing mini bucket lists for each school year; homecoming, prom, go to a concert, and so on.
Summer is a really great time for all kinds of events. The days are longer and the weather gets warm-perfect for late night get-togethers after people get off work. Not all of the things on your list have to be done with friends, some can be personal such as a ‘self-care day’.
Here is my bucket list for this summer:
Go swimming
Bonfire with s’mores
Kayak armada at dawn or dusk, then have a breakfast or dessert picnic
Go for a hike
Ice cream! Try a new flavor-or try to make one!
Movie night! If there’s one in the area, try going to a drive-in movie theater!
Game night or hold board game marathon
Self-care night
Go thrifting
End of summer swap night
The most important thing is to have fun! Remember, the items on your bucket list aren’t set in stone, you can change your mind and take off or add more items. It’s fine if you don’t end up doing everything, the point of the list is to help remind you of your goals for this summer to help motivate you!
Comment below what is on your summer bucket list!