How to Host a Successful Swap Night
Swap nights are a great way to recycle and clean out your closet all while having fun with your friends!

Here are some steps and tips to help you throw an awesome swap night:
1.Invite everyone 1 to 2 weeks prior so they have time to clean out their closets and prepare.
Tip #1 If swapping clothes: Try to invite friends with similar styles and sizes. It’s ok if there’s a lot of diversity in the group as long as someone has a match.
Tip #2 You can do themed swaps with just clothes or have a rummage sale style swap where anything goes (as long as it’s in pretty good condition)
2.Items brought to the swap night should be gently used or new and still functional. Don’t bring anything that you wouldn’t want yourself.
Note: The only things that don’t work as ‘used’ are underwear or makeup and other products you use directly. (Perfume is fine.)
3.When people come, organize items either by category or by people.
4. After you lay the items, let people ‘window shop’ so they have an idea of what there is and what they want.
5. Give everyone little ‘tags’ or stickers so they can claim items, about 3 per person. This way, you can hold ‘rounds’ where people go through and mark the top 3 items they want, which makes the process less chaotic than a free-for all.
Tip#3 If 2+ people mark the same item hold a ‘barter session’ or just let them decide-people can act like adults.
6. Repeat rounds until items are gone.
Note: it’s alright if not everyone goes away with the same amount of things they came with or as many items as everyone else. Some people take smaller items that may not have as much ‘value’ as others and some people may be following a more minimalistic lifestyle and are simply trying to recycle and get rid of things rather than gain more clutter.
7. Nearing the end, when most things have gone, have a last minute ‘free for all’ where people can grab whatever they want.
8. If there are still items remaining, donate to thrift stores or goodwill or recycle before even considering the trash bin.
Follow these steps, play music, have snacks, and you’re set for a really fun night!