The First Snow

Little animals hunker down
As the cold winds begin to blow
Leaves off of their sturdy supports
Branches bare
Stark against the white snow that slowly begins
To drift
Down, from the skies above.
Grey clouds hang over the sleepy town
The crisp air urging people to stay inside
Warm by the fire
Cozy in fuzzy socks
Cuddling beneath the blankets
To hide
From the sharp pang of winter.
The nights are growing longer
The sun may rise earlier
But sets earlier too
Beckoning instead the moon
And stars
To shine
Brightening the 5 o'clock darkness.
The first snow is full of emotions
Sadness at a season passed
Fear of ice and famine
Wonder at the white droplets
Joy of skis and sleds, itching
To ride
Feet writing poetry on slopes of white paper.
Snow beckons with the promise
Of melting on your cheeks
Of turning your eyelashes white
Of laughter and falling snow
As forts are built and snowballs launched
To play
Amongst the frozen water.
A day filled with snow
Ends best with friends
Eating a hot meal together
Stripping off wet socks
Sitting by the fire
To dry
And warm your body, heart, and soul.
As the snow falls
Raise your arms to the sky Embracing everything the season brings
The cold and numbness
Sharp pain as fingers thaw
To realize
That sometimes you need a chilly wake up call
To appreciate all the warmth that surrounds you.