Gratitude Abounds
With the holiday season comes a feeling of goodwill, cheer, and gratitude for all that we have. Thanksgiving may have some questionable origins, but the practice of giving thanks for the gifts in our lives is one that I hope continues for many years to come.
In today's society, it's so easy to get caught up in the fight for being the best, getting the newest item, having the higher status, and so on. American culture has glorified a consumerist mindset where people are praised for keeping up with the trends and buying the latest model or having more than everyone else. Instead of getting sucked into this cycle of extraction, production, and disposal some people are stepping back and omitting themselves from this chain of events. You can do this too. Say no to unnecessary items, reuse what you have, recycle what you don't want, and reduce your waste as much as you can.
A great way to prevent the urge to consume is by appreciating what you already have and understanding how bountiful your life already is.
When you get caught up in comparing yourself to others or wishing your life to be different, take a moment to appreciate what you do have. There is nothing wrong with wanting more, to be more successful, have better relationships, be healthier, and so on. However, it can be harmful for your mental health if you are constantly in a state of discontent. While some people may find comparing themselves to others motivating and view it as a goal and challenge to grow, others can be stressed out by the divide between their current self and the person they want to become. Another important note: there's nothing wrong with who you are right now. You are enough.
Whatever your current mindset is, I encourage you to take a second and count your gratitudes (instead of sheep).

Here are a few things I'm grateful for:
The beautiful mountains that I call my home
The trees offering shelter from the wind
The plants that grow around us
The ocean in all her beauty and power
The sunrise for heralding in the day
Sunny days
The moon for brightening up the darkness
The stars for guiding us
Snow on pine trees
The smell of dust after rain
Spinning in circles with fireflies
Food: to grow, cook, savor, to fuel our bodies
Peanut butter
Being able to move
Legs to carry us forward
Trails to hike, run, bike, climb, explore
Minds to keep us inspired
Hearts to keep us centered
Hands to create
Love to share
Friends: the old, the new, the ones we haven't met yet
Paints and colors
Art in all its forms
Cameras to capture movements in time
Places familiar and unknown, a whole world to explore
Music to echo the soul
Words to catch thoughts and share them
Emotions that are wonderful, and terrible, and ones that can't be put into words
Being human
Cultures and traditions and practices that don't really make sense when we try to explain them
Holidays to brighten the seasons
Leaves full of color
Pumpkins, squash, sweet potatoes
Ice crystals on trees
Skiing down a mountain, feeling like flying
The brilliant green and yellow of daffodils in the snow
The first birdsong
Moss and ferns
Hot summer nights
Crisp morning runs
The feeling of being exhausted but content as you fall into bed after a day full of adventures
Laughing so hard your sides ache
Genuine smiles
Realizing that you've made a friend
Moments when you notice how small the world is
Times when you understand how massive the universe is
Falling down and getting back up without a blink of an eye
The small things in life
The impossible, and the possible
Magic in the mundane moments, the sweetness of doing nothing
Books and paper and ink
Fuzzy blankets and fires
Hot coffee or a cup of tea
Dreams and the dreamers behind them
There is so much more that I could write about...the world is full of wonders for those who take a second to look up and notice them. I hope this post inspires you to think about what you're grateful for, what makes you happy, what fulfills you. Please write down some of your gratitudes and share in the comment section below!