Signs of Spring
Crocuses are often viewed as the first sign of spring, as the flowers peak up out of the snow in shades of pale violet, yellow, royal purple, and more. In South Dakota, our state flower is the Prairie Pasque flower, a delicate lavender crocus that somehow survives the harsh winters and incessant push and pull of spring as snow storms alternate with sunny, 50˚F days.

For many, spring is a sign of rebirth. Of new life, new growth, new beginnings. Between fresh flowers and budding trees, green grass appearing as snow melts away, and the return of birds and other wildlife, spring is a time when the whole world seems to awaken from its' deep winter slumber. At least that's how it is normally. This year however, people are sheltering in, staying home, and traveling less.
Even though it may seem like spring and summer are a far way off, especially for those of us living in rainy and snowy areas, the beginnings of a new season have started to appear. I hope you are able to find some signs of spring where you are at, no matter how small they may be. For me, recently it's been the rare sunny days, plants starting to grow, longer days (I was so upset when the sun rose after 7 and set by 4:30, it's nice that we have almost 12 hour days now...), birds chirping, squirrels and chipmunks chattering (in fear as they are being chased by my dog), newborn calves prancing around the field, and deer peeking out between trees.
I've done poems for winter and fall (check the archives if you're interested) so I thought it would be appropriate to do one for spring to. It may be more botanical than usual, but I'm currently studying for a Plant Biology exam so my brain is more focused on plants than normal. Regardless, I hope you enjoy and please leave comments below about what signs of spring you've been seeing lately!

An Ode to Spring
Robin-egg blue skies
With small clouds drifting by
On a warm spring breeze
Snow may fall and ice lingers on the ponds
But the daffodils are trying, growing, rising
Electric green grass grows
Beneath the melting snow
As the first signs of spring appear
Songs from nature heralding in the season
As the baby birds are trying, growing, rising
Deep brown mud splatters
Coating boots and paws
Leaving prints on the path, in the car, through the house
The smell of the earth fills the air
As the worms are trying, growing, rising
Pale yellow grasses sway
Leftover from years past
Skeletons in the fields
Showing us the past, promising a future
As new sprouts are trying, growing, rising
Little purple pasque flowers
Hiding beneath pine needles
A blanket made by trees, protecting them
As we are protecting each other
For while the future remains uncertain
We are trying, growing, rising