
Falling through starlight skies
Floating down lanes of clouds,
hearled by the birds
The ground slowly coming into view
Tops of mountains rising high
Cities like anthills lit up below
Noisy centers, peaceful corners
Landing with soft feet
In a field of sun-ripened wheat
The air is crisp
The wind whirls by,
voices follow in a sigh
The leaves swirl past
Brilliant in maple red, sunburst orange, and marigold
Walking down a gravel lane
The roadbeds lined with wildflowers
Some far past their prime
But the goldenrod stands tall
Resplendent in it’s autumnal gold
Contasted by the purple asters below
Red wine grape vines climb the poles
of the wood fence to the side
Each step brings you closer
to the town down below
Sadness passes over you
Walking away from the farm
Sandwiched between a pond and a forest
On the top of a hill
Where all is well
And days pass in a blur
Where the moon and stars are the only time-keepers
And the seasons dictate the day
Where the music is that of the birds
And the frogs and squirrels
Where art is everywhere-in a flower
And in a stone
Where the only obligations are appreciating nature
And creating what you can
Reality calls
The dream is ending
To the city you must return,
At least for a while more
Until you are freed again
to escaoe into the woods
For now though you work
And live and laugh and cry
In the town below
Where all is uncertain
And days pass in a blur
Where clocks and calendars are the time-keepers
And the minutes dictate the day
Where the music is that of synthetic sounds
And voices cry out loud
Where art can be seen in the museum
And from the street or in the house
Where the only obligations are everything
And you can never finish the list
The dream is ending The soft colored lights filtering through the trees
Turns into soft colored lights of the street lamps
As they fade away as dawn begins
Filtering through your paint-chipped window
Reality washes over you
Time to get up
Time to go to work, to school
To get things done
To check off those tasks
To meet all your marks
To try to run on this treadmill built by society
But there’s a prize at the end-
of what you may ask? All the things they tell you is true
Wrapped up in a pretty red package
Tied in a string
Tied to you and all of your obligations
Stress and worry are secondary
When all you need to do is get to the end
But how can you do that-
you may ask?
When the treadmill never stops
And the speed only increases
The difficulty only increases
And the strings start to choke
What can you do then? You can keep running endlessly
Or you can stop
You can step off the treadmill
And make your own path
Sometimes that path may overlap
With those of others
Sometime that path may be paved and easy to walk
Or laid out before you like a red carpet
Other times the path may be rocky
It may be treacherous
There will be hills and valleys
It will rain and it will shine
Flowers may grow on the sides,
more easily if you sow the seeds
and shower them with love
You may take a wrong turn
You may get lost and confused
You may stumble and fall
But in the end all rivers meet the sea
And you will get to where you need to go
As long as the path is your own.