Questions about our world
I’ve been playing around with an idea for a kids book or an illustrated book for adults. The basic concept is creating an illustrated guide explaining different questions children, my friends, or anyone really has about our world. I’m hoping to illustrate all of these questions by an image based off of a picture that represents a question and having text explaining the answer or doing step-by-step illustrated how-to or something of the sort.
It’s all very up in the air right now but I wanted to share the questions I have so far and a few of the illustrations I’ve done including some works in progress. I hope you enjoy! Please feel free to comment any ideas you have down below, I would love to include them !

Idea! In progress Done
What do you call a road? Aka difference between a street avenue boulevard etc
What makes sea foam?
Difference between newt and salamander ?
Types of lichens?
Guide to baking ratios ?
How does a potato grow?
Gelato vs ice cream?
How do plants grow towards light?
How do we know evolution is real?
Randomly generate 10 animals and then rank them on how good they would be as house pets
How did we figure out that the earth goes around the sun?
Why isn’t Pluto a planet?
Evolution of how books are made (hand written, printing press, …, the method that made this book you are holding)
Why do magnets stick together?
Why are we more likely to be sad when it’s cloudy?
How do two way mirrors work?
What would it be like to walk on the moon
Could plants grow in zero g?
Why do some chords sound good and others sound bad?
How do Venus fly traps know when to close their mouths?
How do spiders build their webs/ why do they use the pattern they use?
If you had a big enough kite could you fly with it? Could you design it to land safely?
How does yeast and bread making work?
What methods do phone and app designers use to make their stuff more addicting?
What is the tallest tower humans could build if we stopped fighting pooled all our money and just focused on building it?
Why is cancer so hard to cure?
How were last names invented/ thought of?
Why are humans fascinated with conquering?
How do people live in Antarctica and other really cold places?
Will computers ever stop getting smaller/ faster?
Why are diamonds rare when they are just made out of carbon?
What is the most plentiful element on earth? Most plentiful molecule on earth? Most plentiful organism by population? Most plentiful organism by biomass?
How much lettuce by volume has the same amount of energy as a piece of coal?
How do people in Oceania navigate by stars?
What is the loudest sound that has ever happened on planet earth?
How does the television work?
When was time invented?
Why do I love to shop?
How did music evolve? (from a completely evolutionary perspective)
Do all mammals sneeze
What are the evolutionary benefits of allergies?
How do/can people learn to use echolocation
What are different ambulance noises from around the world
What causes color blindness?
How do whales sleep vertically?
If we specially built a stadium to fit as many people as geometrically possible, how many people could view a concert at once? No one having their vision blocked, no one being to far away to see without big screens
do plants feel?
how do compasses work?
how does our solar system stay together rather than floating all over the place?
Do people perceive colors the same? (Is my red someone elses green?)
Could you see more colors if the lens of your eye was absent? (ex. Monet had the lens of his eye removed due to cataracts, which explains his interesting color palette)
Why do dolphins jump/play?
Hay fever ??
Whales versus giant squids?
Who decides holidays? Mkl day second Monday?
Dancing mania?
If you stand on the geographic North Pole, what does your compass read?
Why is the sky blue?
Why do different trees turn different colors in the fall and does a tree always turn the same color each year?
Why do we have 12 unequal months (with 28, 29, 30 31 days) when if we had 11 months only one month would have a different number of days?
Where do toads go in the winter?
What insects migrate, besides monarch butterflies?
Why are all insects bugs but not all bugs are insects?
What is the difference between animals that hibernate and animals that sleep in winter?
How do we know that people a la the Flintstones, did not live at the same time as dinosaurs? Are myths about dragons just stories of flying dinosaurs and if so, how could humans have that memory?
Where did the legend of unicorns start?
How deep and far do tree roots go underground?
Why do some seeds that I plant grow and some do not?
Why do birds that migrate south in winter then come north to nest? Wouldn’t it be better to stay in their southern winter homes and have their babies?
How do birds know where to go during migration if they have never migrated before?
How do homing pigeons know how to find “home”?
Are there any languages we have found written that we still cannot translate?
What is the Rosetta Stone?
How do microwaves work?
Why are some animals nocturnal? Why aren’t people nocturnal?
Do dogs have facial expressions?
