Class Notes: Dendrology (trees) part oneBecause I am yet again, very stressed, slightly depressed, but still determined to write/post semi-regularly on this blog please enjoy...
50 Flowers for 50 States Earlier this week I decided to rough draft a project I’m considering turning into watercolors or more intricate digital prints: a map of...
Seasons of Heartache Okay, this may sound a bit melodramatic (which I try to avoid), but ever since Valentines’ Day I’ve been in a bit of a mood. Fortunately...
Listen to the ForestShhh little one... Talk not of superficial things What goes on in wires and tiny screens Linger not in past sorrows or future worries...
Tropical Plant Systematics Today I have another piece from one of my final exams, this one is from PBIO 241: Tropical Plant Systematics, which has been one of my...